News Section

Spooky Article

Welcome back to another spooky day on Spooky times, and today we have some very spookining news. Donald Duck has won the election! We congratulate him on his success on winning the Spooky election.

We are all looking forward for the changes the new Mayor has come to offer. We all hope its something... very... spooky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Something Donald Duck promised use was that we built a wall... JK who the fuck does that? Not Donald thats for sure also he has just given the town a small loan of a million dollares!

Spooky Article

I don't know what to add here I kind of just ramble on about stupid crap(Oh noes (੦૮_੦) I swore ;o... again)

To be honest I don't even know why your reading this... (^~^)ノ but who cares! You sure don't huehuehue.


Your a rebel.. I like you and I like using over used youtube comments #Relatable